Lets make that post-collision headache a little more bearable:
I meet with people every day to educate them on a Utah Law rarely known - Its called "P.I.P."
This fun acronym stands for Personal Injury Protection. When you are in an auto accident, it is your best friend. This is how it works:
YOUR FACTS (should you choose to accept them): You are driving your car, going the speed-limit, obeying the traffic laws, then SMASH!! Another car hits you out of nowhere. Its not your fault. You were the victim. What happens now?...
First, you need to call your auto insurance company. "But it wasn't my fault, why would I call MY insurance company?" - Because PIP is coverage under YOUR policy. It is specifically designed for accidents that are NOT your fault. (Don't worry, it doesn't raise your premiums.) Call your insurance and get the claim number.
Second, your insurance company pays out the PIP benefits, which are: 1. initial medical costs ($3000 is the state minimum); 2. 85% of your lost wages, up to $250 per week; 3. $20 per day for household services that you can't do. These three benefits are separate and readily available. (use it or lose it)

So, if you are in an auto accident, avoid the headache that the other driver's insurance company will give you, just CALL YOUR INSURANCE. If you need to go to the hospital, GO! All of your initial medical bills are covered. If you need to miss work to heal, MISS IT! Your lost wages are covered. If you need to hire a neighbor boy to mow your lawn, HIRE HIM!
P.S. -- PIP is mandatory in Utah. So, Yes, you have it.
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