Wednesday, June 12, 2019

FAQs about e-Scooters in St. George

Elijah Wood enjoying a scooter ride

1. Do I need a driver’s license to ride a scooter?

No. The scooters are intended for non-license holders. You do not need a driver’s license to enjoy the electric scooters.

2. Can I ride an electric scooter on the sidewalk?

Yes. In St. George, you can ride your battery-powered scooter on the sidewalk; however, you must obey all the rules of a pedestrian when you are riding on the sidewalk.

3. Can I ride an electric scooter on the street?

Sometimes. The law states that you can ride your e-scooter in the street ONLY when the speed limit is 25mph or less and has only one lane of travel each way. In other words, you cannot ride your Spin Scooter on Bluff street, Dixie Drive, or any other street with a speed limit of over 25mph or more than one lane.

4. Can I ride with a passenger on the same scooter?

No. The law specifically states that these new Spin Scooters are to be ridden by only one person at a time. No tandem riding. To ride with a passenger is a violation and you could be ticketed.

5. Does my Auto Insurance cover me in case of an accident?

Yes, most likely. Most auto insurances will cover you if you are riding electric scooters as if you are a pedestrian. However, there are exemptions that you must check, and you must first go through the at-fault-driver’s insurance if hit by a vehicle.

6. Is a helmet required on an Electric Scooter?

Utah Law does not require you to wear a helmet while riding an electric scooter. However, by refusing to wear a helmet, you could be held partially responsible for your injuries. You should always wear a helmet when you are riding the electric scooters.

7. When is the Electric Scooter Company Liable, like Spin?

According to Utah Law, the owner of the scooter cannot knowingly allow a user to violate the law. If the scooter company had knowledge of continuing violations of the law, they can be held accountable for not preventing those violations.  

The only other way the scooter company is liable for your injuries is if there was a malfunction of the scooter itself. Brakes malfunctioning, wheels falling off, and handlebars disconnecting are problems the scooters have seen in the past. If this happens to you, gather witnesses, pictures, and proof. You must preserve the scooter itself to make a claim.


Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Utah Electric Scooter Laws - What you need to know!

Utah does not have specific laws governing electric scooters, and every Utah city has varying, contradicting laws governing scooters. 

So what laws apply to you in your city? How can you avoid a citation? What to do if you are in an accident?

For these questions, I have you covered. Lets start with the basics: Utah has an over-arching law that is the default for scooters. Utah Traffic Code § 41-6a-1115. This law can be altered by city ordinances but it is the place to start to understand the best way to protect yourself when it comes to scooters. Here are the things to know:

1.   To ride a scooter, there is no requirement to have a driver’s license or driver’s permit. But, there are age restrictions. Anyone under 15 years old must be in the direct supervision of a parent or guardian. There are no exceptions. This is probably the most frequently violated law concerning scooters.

    Also, although you may feel like a child when you are on these scooters, actual children under 8 years old are not allowed to ride the scooters on public property. This includes sidewalks, pathways, and roadways. Do not let your children under 8 ride these scooters. If you do, you could be ticketed. 

2.      There are restrictions on where you can ride your scooter as well. You may feel as free as a “bird” (pun intended) while riding these scooters, but you are not free to go wherever you want. A person may not operate a motor assisted scooter (electric scooter) in the following areas:
  • in a public parking structure;
  • on public property posted as an area prohibiting skateboards;
  • on a highway consisting of a total of four or more lanes designated for regular vehicular traffic;
  • on a highway with a posted speed limit greater than 25 miles per hour;

Did you catch that last one? Out of these areas, it is the most patrolled restriction. You cannot drive on roadways that have a speed limit greater than 25mph. But what do you do when the roads conflict and change in speed limits?

A great example of two conflicting streets is in St. George - The main street that runs through the city, where the majority of the scooters are located, is called St. George Boulevard. That road has the speed limit of 30mph and runs east to west. However, actual Main Street in St. George, which has hundreds of storefronts, has a speed limit of 25mph. Main Street runs north to south and crosses with St. George Boulevard. So, if you are looking to ride a scooter in St. George, you may find yourself picking up your scooter on the Boulevard and dropping it off on Main Street. That means that you should start off riding on the sidewalk when on St. George Blvd, then switch to riding on the roadway when on Main St. This can be confusing and different laws apply for sidewalk travel vs. roadway travel. To add to the confusion, some cities do not allow scooters to ride on the sidewalks at all.

For these confusing and conflicting laws remember this: If you ride the battery-powered scooter on the roadway, you should comply with the laws that govern the travel of motorcycles and cars. (Of course, do not ride on the roadway if the speed limit is over 25mph.) For the complete traffic code, click here. This means that you must signal when turning, stop at stop lights, stop at crosswalks, and stop behind traffic.
If you ride the electric scooter on the sidewalk, you must comply with pedestrian laws. Primarily, this means that you cannot travel at an unreasonable speed. You should slow down when coming to an intersection, groups of people, and parking lots. This also means that you can only cross the street when the pedestrian “walk” sign is lit, you must stop at stop signs, and you should only cross at crosswalks.

Overall, there are a lot of pit-falls and loop-holes when dealing with these electric scooters. If you have been in an accident involving a scooter, don’t rely on opinion alone. Find a personal injury attorney that knows the law on electric scooters.